Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Registration Form

  2. 2
    • Beginning

    • Pre course survey

  3. 3
    • Welcome onboard!

    • Introduction to Dialogue

    • Group Norms

    • Quiz

  4. 4
    • Lets learn about identity!

    • Discussion - Identity

    • How identities are formed

    • Quiz - Identity

    • Reflection - Identity

    • Stereotypes, biases, discrimination

    • Stereotypes

    • Quiz - Stereotypes, biases, discrimination

    • Discussion - Stereotypes, biases, discrimination

    • Analyze the situation

  5. 5
    • What is culture?

    • How cultures and societies are formed

    • Quiz - How cultures and societies are formed

    • Discussion - Culture

    • The Elephant and the Blind Men!

    • Reflection - Multiple perspectives

    • Multiple perspectives

    • Quiz - Multiple Perspective

    • Perspective taking

    • Activity- Planning Cultural Exchange Days: Promoting Understanding and Perspective Taking

  6. 6
    • Conflict

    • What is conflict

    • Conflict

    • Quiz - Conflict

    • Discussion

  7. 7
    • Safer spaces

    • Building safer spaces

    • Quiz - Safer Spaces

    • Discussion - Safer space

    • Respect

    • Quiz - Respect

    • Reflection - Respect

  8. 8
    • Post course survey

    • Acknowledgement

  9. 9
    • What's next?