Course and Login

  • What courses are you offering currently?

    At present, we are offering two online courses for high school students and university/college students respectively. For high school students, we have courses from Dialogue Academy that talks about concepts like identity, privilege, stereotypes, empathy, listening and having different perspectives. For university/college students, we offer a course on Climate Action which contains topics like the fundamentals of climate science, sustainable practices, and climate solutions, to name a few.

  • What is the structure of these course?

    Each course is structured with a combination of video lectures, readings, and quizzes to provide a comprehensive learning experience. The SSCCA course is a self-paced course that the students can take at their end. The course offered by Dialogue Academy is facilitator-led and requires the students to attend online sessions two hours per day for five days.

  • How can I enroll myself?

    For Planet Pulse, simply select the course and follow the enrollment instructions provided. For Dialogue Academy, please email us at [email protected] with the subject of the email (Enroll in Dialogue Academy ).

  • How do I login to my Dialogue Academy dashboard?

    Once enrolled, you can log into your account from this website using the username and password you created during the registration process.

  • How long do the courses take to complete?

    The course offered by Dialogue Academy is 10 hours in duration, whereas the basic course offered by SSCCA is 5-6 hours in duration. In case a participant wants to learn more about the concepts in detail, they can take the optional advanced courses on climate action at their end.

  • Can I share the online course content with others?

    The online course materials are for your own consumption. If anyone in your network is keen on taking this course, we would request you to please ask them to enroll and then take the course themselves so that they too get the most out of the experience.

  • Are certificates available for the courses?

    Yes, upon successful completion of a course, you will receive a certificate that you can download and share as proof of your achievement.

  • Who do I contact for inquiries?

    For inquiries on SSCCA, please contact [email protected] and for Dialogue Academy, please contact [email protected]. We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.